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What to Do About Defective Breast Implants


Suing Breast Implant Manufacturers for Harmful Defects

You may have a lawsuit on your hands if you have suffered as a result of a faulty breast implant. When implants rupture, leak, or collapse, it can create a number of painful, immediate symptoms, as well as other long-term injuries and a number of sizeable financial damages for those affected. In addition to your demonstrable injury and loss, the manufacturer or designer may be liable for your damages if any of the following are true:

  • The breast implant was in dangerous or questionable condition when the manufacturer sold it.
  • The breast implant was intended for implantation in the condition in which it was sold.
  • The breast implant came with a warranty and did not meet the terms therein.

If you have been harmed, injured, or experienced notable financial loss as a result of a faulty breast implant, it is important to secure legal representation as soon as possible in order to begin building a strong case. Our team at Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC is here to help.

Take action against the breast implant manufacturer whose error resulted in your injury. Call (316) 688-1166today to speak to a product liability attorney in Wichita.

Signs Your Breast Implants Are Defective or Leaking

Keeping an eye out for warning signs is essential to your health in the weeks and months following breast implantation surgery. If left unattended to, a ruptured or leaking breast implant can have toxic effects on your overall health. Here are a few things to watch out for:

  • Lethargy
  • Muscle weakness
  • Aches and pains (These can be anywhere in the body, not just in the breast)
  • Hair loss
  • Chest pain
  • Reduced size (This may indicate that an implant has collapsed or is leaking)
  • Red, inflamed, sensitive skin around the breast
  • Pain in the arm and/or shoulder
  • Numbness in and around the breast
  • Burning, stinging pain in and around the breast

Successful, Effective Product Liability Lawyers in Wichita, KS

Seek medical attention immediately if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms. Once you are stable and receiving appropriate medical care, connect with one of our Wichita product liability attorneys at Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC. It is imperative that you loop us in as soon as possible so that we can help you keep track of all the ways your defective breast implants have harmed you and begin building your case against the responsible party.

Call (316) 688-1166today to schedule a free consultation, or contact us to ask a question or tell us how we can help.
